I've decided to try a new feature Monday, Friday, and potentially Saturday mornings. During the week I'll try to get the list up before 6:30 AM EST and on Saturday I'll aim for 9:00 AM EST. A Linkfest of recent and what I feel are key reads. I read and I read a lot so for the benefit of those who trust what is produced here, I will offer a little insight into my morning perusing. There is a possibility I'll go right into posting links every morning, we'll see. Thank you again to the new readers. I hope you're liking the site more with no ads, I know I am. Any insights, please leave a comment.
- Could Morse Have Patented The Web (WSJ)
- Goldman's US Equity Views (h/t @PsychozTrader)
- BATS Faces Tough Choices Over IPO (Financial Times)
- Does Wagner's Law Ruin The Sustainability Of German Public Finances (BIS)
- Fidelity, Other Big Firms Can Work Around BATS glitch (Reuters)
- Dubai Port Firm To Repay $3 BN In Debt Early (AP)
- What Financial Reform Is All About & Why Wall Street Hates It (BetterMarkets)
- Are Rich People More Ethical (The Atlantic)
- E-Mail To Corzine Said Transfer Was Not Customer Money (Dealbook)
- Don't Let This Opportunity Pass You By (The Circle Bastiat)
- Iran To Increase Cash Handouts (AlJazeera)
- A Tangled Web: Who's Making Money From All This Campaign Spending? (ProPublica)
- Financial Repression: Then & Now (VoxEU)