Updated at 10:58:00 to include information regarding cancellation of trades in SGS
No comment, just dropping jaws. Guy Debelle is the Assistant Governor (Financial Markets) at the Reserve
Bank of Australia and he said HFT provide tight spreads (see here) or perhaps the UK Treasury was right saying HFT has no direct affect on price movements (see here). Tell us what you think, are regulators really accurate under all that fluff talk and misinformed data points? A resounding "NO!" reverberates through the crowd....we'll wait to find out whether the program was executed through Pelosi's office. We know it wasn't Igors Nagaicevs.
Reminder, white dots are trades (at @200,000.00). Good luck human. (data provided by Nanex)
Orange Dots are cancelled trades (data provided by Nanex):
(h/t @BadAlgo)
5 Minute SGS Chart from Think Or Swim (200 means $200,000.00)
ThomsonOne caught the trades:
and ThomsonOne tick chart:
And since we're having so much fun, here is some SPY front running on the Consumer Confidence 10:00 AM release (h/t @HFTAlert)
Read more from Nanex (here) on the "front-running" of the Consumer Confidence number. This is the SPY 10 AM Consumer Confidence chart.