In Buffalo, NY there is an example of the character of the groups that get “voted” in. In this magnificent piece of idiotic bullshit Jane Corwin’s Chief of Staff attempted the (Republican backed) “gotcha” style of campaigning, you know, the kind John McCain knew all too well about when talking with Katie Couric back in 2008 (video below). The complaining then has turned into a tactic now. If these scum sucking leeches are willing to pull shit like this to dupe the voters, how are voters too stupid to recognize that they are viewed merely as problems in the road to a life supported by the peasants? These people don’t care about you. They only care about themselves and their families (even that is debatable...Clinton, Edwards, Folley). Voters never see it because they are too caught up with things like Congressional hearings about MLB steroid use or passing laws that make it so schools can’t ban students from attending school activities as a form of punishment. This is ludicrous. These people are cheap. DON’T BUY CHEAP SAUSAGE!
McCain "Gotcha Journalism"
McCain Palin Couric Interview 9/29 RE: Gotcha... by ilthf
Cheap Sausage