The FED is full of shit. Everything they are getting away with happens because the population is ignorant.
You all deserve what happens from here on in.
"Ignore the reality so long as I'm doing alright" is what is on the Statue of Liberty right? or is that in the Bill of Rights? I forget, I went to catholic university and collegiate high school.
Just admit you don't actually care at all, about any of this, and let us get on with scheming and lying and pretend we know anything about how this market works.
It's all just a horseshit lie we choose to live and that's fine. Just fucking admit it you SJWs! It's not a bad mindset to have, it's only negative when you lie to us and yourself and skirt the actual reality. Admit it's a lie and let's move on. Admit you are full of shit and let us move on. Admit this whole operation is a net zero trade and let's move on.
You might be asking "what's this about?" It's about the Fed headline today from Jackson Brownhole that they will focus on 2% inflation over time. That was stated in 2012 and also since the beginning of the Fed. And WTF is "over time"? It's vague garbage because Powell has zero control over the perception that the Fed is not political. So inflation could go to 40% tomorrow, stay there for 20 years, then in 21 years go to 2% and the Fed can then say "see? over time".
You might be asking "what's this about?" It's about the Fed headline today from Jackson Brownhole that they will focus on 2% inflation over time. That was stated in 2012 and also since the beginning of the Fed. And WTF is "over time"? It's vague garbage because Powell has zero control over the perception that the Fed is not political. So inflation could go to 40% tomorrow, stay there for 20 years, then in 21 years go to 2% and the Fed can then say "see? over time".
The system is broken more now than ever, which is evidence of entropy, my favorite bit of truth.
Good luck. I'm on my way out anyways.